Questionnaires: help the patient and the physician

During a visit the physicians look often longer to the screen than to the patient. The patients do not feel heard, are not invited to prepare themselves and do not want to disturb the physician while he or she is doing the documentation. Research makes clear that medical professionals are spending half of their time doing data entry. This can be improved if the possibilities of the Epic EHR are better used. Medical Build does just that: no outside system, but just clever build in Epic.

By introducing pre-visit questionnaires the patients can better prepare for their visit. At the hospital side there are even more benefits: the physician can prepare for this patient, saves registration time and can focus on the patient rather than data entry during the visit. This increases the quality of the outpatient visits. As a bonus, the questionnaires generate discrete data – useful for research and quality (like Value Based Healthcare)

Physicians look more to the screen than to the patient


Medical Build make sure that the patient can fill in the questionnares as soon as the visit is planned

Usage in the chart

The answers of Medical Build-questionnaires can be automatically pulled into the notes

Analyze the data

Upon request, Medical Build produces interactive reporting, so that you can dig into your own data

The process

The questionnaires are answered by patients before the first outpatient visit – mostly at home but if needed in the waiting area. During the consultation the physician and patient do not have to run through all possible causes – but can focus on the most remarkable answers and thereby primary cause. Dr. Schippers saves 30% of his time for each visit by using his own questionnaires.

This process generates lots of discrete data. This can help by showing the patient what has happened with similar patients, is a great source for research and is a fantastic basis for improvement projects like VBHC.

Medical Build has experience with building and implementing those questionnaires. We hope to support your outpatient clinic with becoming more efficient, more patient focused and reaching higher quality.

Put the patient in the lead

The role of the patient is changing and they take the lead in their own care process. Patients are nowadays a partner of the health care professional. Our questionnaires supports this transition:

* The patient knows better what to expect during his visit and can prepare for that
* The patient gets more insight in his/her disease, being a better base to discuss treatment options.
* This also makes sure the patient has more support for and beter adheres to the chosen treatment option

Dutch ministery of Health: the patient in the lead (Dutch)

The team

The founders of Medical Build are working their whole life in hospitals. Their wish to improve healthcare and decrease the registration burden led to the start of Medical Build.

Edgar Daeter

Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon

develops applications to handle registries more efficient

Jesse de Wit
Reporting Specialist

Loves reports that give the user a lot of possibilities but are simple enough to just start

Herman Schippers
Neurologist / pediatric neurologist

Has developed a method to decrease registration burden and increase discrete data entry


KvK number: 75840170

Bank account: NL98Rabo0347516408

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